The enfolding path Reiki offered me

The enfolding path Reiki offered me

When I started on my Reiki journey, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for.

Reiki was not even on my horizon. I was inside a bubble where I was sleepwalking and didn’t even know I did so. I was so embroiled in my role of a mother, wife, daughter, and worker bee that I lost my connection to myself, my spirit, my soul. I stood at the abyss, wondering if I should jump or not. I have been there, the point of asking this question of myself. When you are in it, you can’t see the way out. The deep emptiness, the despair and profound unhappiness. Not able to appreciate the beauty of life, the things which did work.

At this point Reiki found me. As I mentioned I had no clue what it was and what it can do.

I went straight in to learn Reiki level one. That weekend alone was hugely beneficial. It gave me hope and I was feeling lighter. Diligently I practiced Reiki, everyday without fail I practiced self- healing and chanting the Reiki precepts and journaling. And slowly my despair eased off, I was feeling better, happier. It was a long journey. Along the way I was drawn to work with crystals and with angles. From there I started to paint and to write. On my quest to learn more, to dig deeper, I embark on the journey of the Mary Magdalene Rose lineage, I became a High Priestess of the Rose and love everything about it.

What I am trying to say is that Reiki was the starting point to rebirth myself. I now know who I am, where I feel at home and can be my authentic self. Reiki and the Priestess have shown me the way to transform and transcend my life. Writing poetry and creating art that is infused with Reiki energy and the priestess blessing. Art that is enhancing the energy of a room and can be used as a focal point for crystal grids or as a meditation aid.

I teach the whole system of Reiki, the 5 elements that make Reiki. Reiki is more than a hands-on healing method. It is a spiritual practice that is free from any religion. A spiritual practice is important. It is my understanding that the deep unhappiness I found myself in 20 years ago was due to the total dis-connection from my soul/spirit. Not even knowing about the emotional and mental bodies which were traumatised and overwhelmed. Reiki does work on all levels, bodies. Bodies as the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etheric, and karmic body. Reiki does balance the whole chakra system and the auric field. Reiki is empowering, given all you need to transform your life and to transcend. Living in a 3D reality with a 5D consciousness.

But it takes time, devotion, and dedication. And courage, lots of that. For me the journey to wholeness was ugly, raw and painful – and long. The older you are the more you carry with you, or so it seems. The more challenging the childhood was the more work needs doing. By changing the perception of what did happen, that it was indeed for the growth of my soul, that in fact, the whole reason for this incarnation is for soul to grow makes it easier. Life on earth is a school for soul to learn and experience duality. That during this life the soul has lesson to learn – and to teach.

For me this does make sense, and I see life as an adventure. I get curious about what is unfolding. I listen to my intuition; I check in with my soul a few times a day and feel. Feel with my heart, not the mind. Being mindful of my thoughts, the words I use when I speak and when I write. Remembering that every thought is energy, that a spoken word has power. Just being aware, or if you like, awake!

And this is an ongoing journey. Every day brings new possibilities and experiences. What we do with it is up to each of us. I find that at the moment I feel very protective of my time. Notice the word protective here. Protect my time from whom or what? A time thief??

Using the word awareness. At the moment I am very aware of where I spend my time. Do I spend it in the past? Or fretting about future possibilities? Or physical when I do not wish to work extra hours? Awareness is a useful way in seeing and feeling what is going on in my head. I am spending less time in there and more in the present. It is the present moment that is real. Spending time in the here and now is time well spent. 

Much love

Anja xx

By Anja Roberts 04 Mar, 2024
Reiki is a system that is build upon five pillars. One of them are the precepts. These took their roots from Buddhist teachings and do play an important part of the system of Reiki. This is one of the translations and I use this one myself. There are variations which happened due to translating Japanese writing style from the turn of the 19 th century to modern English. FOR TODAY ONLY, DO NOT ANGER, DO NOT WORRY, BE HUMBLE, BE HONEST IN YOUR WORK, BE COMPASSIONATE TO YOURSELF AS YOU ARE TO OTHERS. F or today only means just that . To be present, to be in the here and know. We are conditioned to live in the past or worry about tomorrow. Both do not exist. Both are created to keep you stuck. For today only…… be present. Do not anger, for anger is an illusion. Anger arises when something is either triggering us, or we feel we are not in control of something – or someone. Anger is not an emotion but the manifestation of energy which has its root anchored in fear. Control is fear based. Anger is explosive – but ask yourself why you are angry? What is the underlying issue here? Always ask yourself, “why do I feel this or feel like this?” Do not worry, we spend a lot of time worrying about but and if. We worry about tomorrow. What needs and must be done to avoid a negative situation. A situation which may or may not happen. Who says that you will be given another day to live? Why worry about something you have absolutely no control over? This is the conditioning we were all subjected to. Be humble, what this means is that you do not do the healing, you are the channel. No more – no less. Being humble means you don’t get arrogant and big headed. You see others as a reflection of yourself. What you see in another resides inside of you. Be honest in your work, be honest to yourself. Accept that you are perfect in yourimperfection. Do the best you can be and stay true to yourself. What is your truth, or your true nature. Be honest in all you do. And do it with love and kindness. Be Compassionate to yourself as you are to others when guilt and shame arise, remember this; you did the best you could do with the knowledge you had at that time. And so did the other party. Our level of awareness and consciousness varies from person to person. What is your level of awareness, the evolutionary level of your own Soul? Living life, whether it’s a good or bad life, is the adventure of your own Soul. Life is about the evolution and growth of your Soul. The remembering that you are the infinitive divine spirit, having a human experience. To remember that you are powerful, that you can create the life of your dreams, and that at your core level you are love. That everything is connected, that all is the same creative life force energy. Everything is energy, every thought and emotion is energy. Emotions is energy in motion, created of your thoughts. Hence being mindful in all you do. That is why we meditate, that is why Reiki works so well. It does give you the tools you need to help yourself to become who you were meant to be. The layers, conditioning and false beliefs are falling away. With time and practice you start to change your perception; you’re understanding of yourself changes. You start to grow on all level. Emotional maturity follows, clarity of thoughts materialises, the connection to your core essence grows stronger over time. You respond more and more instead of reacting. The layers and false beliefs fall away. I see it in myself. I am most definitely not the person I was 2 or three years ago. The precepts are taught at Reiki Level 1. The student is encouraged to use them at least twice a day for ten to 15minutes. You use them like a mantra and meditate on the precepts. To pay attention to what arises while working with the precepts. What is moving? What feelings and sensation do you feel? What memories or trauma is rising to the surface of the conscious mind? Emotions buried deep inside of yourself are finding their way up to be felt, seen, and accepted. The precepts stay the same throughout all the Reiki levels. You may stop of a short time to then start again. The journey home to self is ongoing. The Reiki system gives you all the tools you need for your journey. To be used as and when you need them.
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