Hi there, I am Anja and here is my own story... 

My journey to be my authentic self and living my soul's mission started in 2002.

At that time I was at my lowest. I was totally lost and did not know who I was, nor where I was heading.

Reiki found me and I took a baby step onto the path of self-discovery and deep healing.

Over the years I have explored differnet healing methods and paths to find my voice, my essence and to be my authentic self.

During this time I rebirthed myseld. Transformed my life and the way I live every day.

It was a long journey, with many ups and downs. I went throught the night of the dark soul, and came out the other side a very different woman. I learned that who I thought I had to be was not in alignment in who I was.

Now I am at my best, doing the best I can do. I just be. Not doing - just be.

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Combining the different healing methods I can tailor your sessions to your personal needs. We are all very different, and here I can address this. A session uniquily designed for you.

Awakening the divine Goddess within. As women we are under a lot of pressure. By default we neglect our inner calling, ignoring our needs. And often we end up hating our body.

Its not polite to talk about our menustral circle, the pain it causes, the mess it creates.

We are ashamed of our own bodies! The meno-pause is just the icing on the cake.

The Rose can assist here in different ways. The Rose empowers, heals, and you start to love your body, love your monthly blood, nolonger ashamed to be a woman. 

Ancesral lineage healing, this is interesting and is very different than a treatment in the traditional sense.

Here we go onto a journey to connec with those who have walked before us. It is a guided meditation in which you have the chance to set the ancestor free.

It has nothing to do with ghosts or such things. It is an opportunity to heal the linage. By doing that the Karma of the Ancestors is lifted and you have no longer to carry their burden.

You have enought to deal with your own Karma and lesson you have to learn. 

I motivate individual woman to find her authentic self, to transform and transcend her live.

Traditional Reiki gives you all you need to heal on all levels. To bring harmony to all the bodies. All the bodies are your physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body. The last three bodies are part of your Aura. The Aura is the energy which encompasses every living things. Humens, animal, trees , flowers and crystals. 

Crystal healing is another way to change the flow of energy. Crystals are perfect to balance the chakrs and auric field. The beauty with crystals is that you can use them in jewellery. They can be used as a crystal grid, place inside your home to enhance the positive flow of energy. Crystal can cleanse your auric field and making it stronger, you can use them as a meditation aid as well. 

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