Beyond Reiki

Beyond Reiki

Reiki is a wonderful method to awaken our dormant spiritual gifts and talents. When I started my journey in 2005, I had no concept of where Reiki would lead me to. Reiki was the first step which opened my mind to the unlimited offerings of the cosmos. It was a long, and at times very painful

journey, but what I learned about myself: who I am, once the self-limiting beliefs, untruths, and labels came off.

While embodying the system of Reiki I still felt that something was not quite right. A deep inner knowing that there is more than Reiki. In 2019 I found Mary Magdalene, the lineage of the Rose. This was what I was searching for – without knowing it. The teachings of the Rose complimented the teachings of Reiki. For me it was the icing on the cake. The Rose was leading me to places Reiki did not. But it was Reiki which started my journey to myself.

Presently I blend both teachings and find that it works perfectly. The rise of the Mary Magdalene comes at a time where the collective is ready

to receive her teachings and healing. We are made of both energies, feminine and masculine.

The big cosmic shift in 2012 has changed the foundations of the teaching of Reiki and other methods. Another shift occurred in 2015 and then 2019, and the last big one was on the Winter Solstice on December the 22.12.2022. This was the midway point between 2012 and 2032. Hence

the rise of the Divine Feminine. 2032 is heralded as the official beginning of the New Golden Age of Aquarius.

This journey will take centuries. What we are experiencing at the present is the breaking down of the old matrix, the false beliefs, and the change of the power structure. The old needs to be destroyed so that the new can be birthed. The rise of the divine Feminine and the healing of the

wounded Divine Masculine, heralding a new age.

The time of Aquarius will bring the reality of the 5D way of being and doing. No longer is the ME working: it is about US. Us as a collective, where

humanity is working together, to create a world of joy, harmony, trust, truth, and unconditional love.  By doing a lot of inner work, accepting the shadow aspect we all have, by bringing the healed divine feminine and healed divine masculine into alignment, respecting all that we are, we can change – and do change. One thing I have learned is that you do not stop learning, doing inner work and having an awareness of what is going on with one’s body, mind, and spirit.

By accepting full responsibility for your life, and by reconnecting to your true nature, it brings forth the life you were meant to experience. Life in the physical body is fleeting and does not need to be hard. By doing the work you can change who you are and create the life of your dreams. But this does take dedication, devotion, and patience.

It all begins and ends with you. You do create your reality; I had a hard time learning to accept this. To truly understand what it means, the life happens for you – not to you. You do have the power to change your life. Once you see, feel, and

acknowledge who you truly are, and where you want to be – your life will be beyond your wildest dreams. I now know who I am, I have clarity in regard of my mission and my life, whilst letting go of the need to know how, when, and where. Trusting the process. Getting comfortable with not having all the answers to the mysteries of life. Going with the flow, listening to my intuition and the whispers of my soul.

Once you drop your mind into your heart, you start living from a different place of understanding.  You are no longer ruled by the ego mind. You have more compassion and empathy for others, and yourself. You are less often triggered by outside forces. You know who you are and life is no longer a battle, you are in alignment with yourself – and by default with life itself.

Please get in touch if you would like to experience/learn more about Reiki and the Rose = Reiki Rose.

Much love


By Anja Roberts 24 Apr, 2024
The enfolding path Reiki offered me
By Anja Roberts 04 Mar, 2024
Reiki is a system that is build upon five pillars. One of them are the precepts. These took their roots from Buddhist teachings and do play an important part of the system of Reiki. This is one of the translations and I use this one myself. There are variations which happened due to translating Japanese writing style from the turn of the 19 th century to modern English. FOR TODAY ONLY, DO NOT ANGER, DO NOT WORRY, BE HUMBLE, BE HONEST IN YOUR WORK, BE COMPASSIONATE TO YOURSELF AS YOU ARE TO OTHERS. F or today only means just that . To be present, to be in the here and know. We are conditioned to live in the past or worry about tomorrow. Both do not exist. Both are created to keep you stuck. For today only…… be present. Do not anger, for anger is an illusion. Anger arises when something is either triggering us, or we feel we are not in control of something – or someone. Anger is not an emotion but the manifestation of energy which has its root anchored in fear. Control is fear based. Anger is explosive – but ask yourself why you are angry? What is the underlying issue here? Always ask yourself, “why do I feel this or feel like this?” Do not worry, we spend a lot of time worrying about but and if. We worry about tomorrow. What needs and must be done to avoid a negative situation. A situation which may or may not happen. Who says that you will be given another day to live? Why worry about something you have absolutely no control over? This is the conditioning we were all subjected to. Be humble, what this means is that you do not do the healing, you are the channel. No more – no less. Being humble means you don’t get arrogant and big headed. You see others as a reflection of yourself. What you see in another resides inside of you. Be honest in your work, be honest to yourself. Accept that you are perfect in yourimperfection. Do the best you can be and stay true to yourself. What is your truth, or your true nature. Be honest in all you do. And do it with love and kindness. Be Compassionate to yourself as you are to others when guilt and shame arise, remember this; you did the best you could do with the knowledge you had at that time. And so did the other party. Our level of awareness and consciousness varies from person to person. What is your level of awareness, the evolutionary level of your own Soul? Living life, whether it’s a good or bad life, is the adventure of your own Soul. Life is about the evolution and growth of your Soul. The remembering that you are the infinitive divine spirit, having a human experience. To remember that you are powerful, that you can create the life of your dreams, and that at your core level you are love. That everything is connected, that all is the same creative life force energy. Everything is energy, every thought and emotion is energy. Emotions is energy in motion, created of your thoughts. Hence being mindful in all you do. That is why we meditate, that is why Reiki works so well. It does give you the tools you need to help yourself to become who you were meant to be. The layers, conditioning and false beliefs are falling away. With time and practice you start to change your perception; you’re understanding of yourself changes. You start to grow on all level. Emotional maturity follows, clarity of thoughts materialises, the connection to your core essence grows stronger over time. You respond more and more instead of reacting. The layers and false beliefs fall away. I see it in myself. I am most definitely not the person I was 2 or three years ago. The precepts are taught at Reiki Level 1. The student is encouraged to use them at least twice a day for ten to 15minutes. You use them like a mantra and meditate on the precepts. To pay attention to what arises while working with the precepts. What is moving? What feelings and sensation do you feel? What memories or trauma is rising to the surface of the conscious mind? Emotions buried deep inside of yourself are finding their way up to be felt, seen, and accepted. The precepts stay the same throughout all the Reiki levels. You may stop of a short time to then start again. The journey home to self is ongoing. The Reiki system gives you all the tools you need for your journey. To be used as and when you need them.
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